Grace is a church that believes in Jesus. We love God and we love people.
We see Grace Community as a Holy Spirit led, spirit-filled, family-oriented, full of love, mission-minded, multi-cultural church impacting Parker County and beyond with open arms for everyone.
Our Pastors
“Our desire is to build the Church of Jesus Christ by sharing His love.”
We know there is a God-given purpose for every person. We want to lift people up and help them fulfill God’s plan for their lives. God has given each of us an identity that is rooted and grounded In Him. He has given us His Word and the person of the Holy Spirit to equip and to empower us for this life. We believe we are called to help people on this journey.
Pastors Jason and Patti Arispe
Our Leadership
Jill Griffin – Elder
Tom Tenseth – Elder
Jennifer DeFazio – Children’s Leader
John and Jennifer DeFazio – Ministry of Helps Leaders
Ministry Events
Feed the Homeless:
We meet on the second Monday of each month at the Center of Life in Mineral Wells to prepare, cook, serve and pray for the homeless.